
Ryan Adams ‘22 painting in the Split Studio. Photo by Ryan Adams.
Make a donation.
Thank you for your interest in supporting Surf Point’s mission!
We are a 501c3 public charity and can accept tax-deductible donations from individuals, foundations and corporations. 80% of Surf Point’s annual budget is currently derived from funds sustainably invested with F. L. Putnam; 20% comes from the general public. We accept donations online, by check, via airline miles, via securities and estate plans.
Our IRS form 990 can be found on Guidestar.
Please reach out to Executive Director Yael Reinharz at any time to discuss.
Many thanks to our board members, alumni, and friends for their gifts.
$50,000 +: Deborah Taylor, Mary Elizabeth Taylor Wohl, Katharine Watson, New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s Geoffrey E. Clark and Martha Fuller Clark Fund
$25,000 +: Lisa Fischman
$10,000 +: Arthur Balderacchi and Christa Balderacchi, Christa Blatchford and Thor Snilsberg, Tom Keyes and Keith Fox, Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Foundation, Jehuda and Shulamit Reinharz
$5,000 +: Norman Johnston and Carla Wohl, Rebecca Linney
$1,000 +: Andy Bachman, Myron Beasley, Dale Bernard, Jill and Jay Bernstein Family Foundation, Gwen Bogacki and John Orloff, Katherine Bradford, Jacqueline and Carl Cafaro, Ann Casady and Peter Pitegoff, Ellen Cohen and Daniel Haber, Dr. Stuart Fischman, Ellen Golden, Olga U Herrera ‘22, Margaret Hickey, Jennifer Ritvo Hughes and Marcus Hughes, Tessa Greene O’Brien ‘22, Orly and Avishai Shachar, Cynthia and Bob Schaffner, Kiki Tidwell, Francis Williams, Nikki Yanok
$500 +: Debra Drew DeVaughn, Maria Gerrity, Marc Gotlieb, Randi Hopkins, Samantha Katz, Corina Larkin, Benjamin-Emile Le Hay, Bonnie Porta and Bobbie Monks, Tino O’Brien, Lois Lindauer Seltz, Jill Weinstock
$100 +: Meg Alexander ‘23, Sascha Braunig ‘21, Bruce Brown, Carol Cameron-Sears, Quinn Casey, Eric Chinburg, Lori Cohen, The Coleman Family Fund, Sarah Daignault, Ashley and Titus Dawson, Grace DeGennaro, Susan Delvalle, Nancy Devor, Carol Eisenberg, Timothy Ellis, Debby Ethridge, Karen Francomano, Beth Fredrick and Don Palmer Jr., Victoria Fu ‘24, Jessica Gandolf, Kate and Dan Gardoqui, Alison Gibbs and Loren Kessel, Carly Glovinski ‘21, Gary and Mary Glovinski, Gail Gilchrest, Peggy Golden, Aimee Good, Marc Gotlieb, Kathy Gunst and John Rudolph, Paul Ha, Mary Harding, Diane Hart, Olga Herrera ‘22, Emily Jefferson, Anne Johannessen, Martha Jones, Jenny Kane, Candace Karu, Lucy Kim ‘21, Crystalle Lacouture ‘21, Andrew Marsters, Micaela Martegani ‘23, Bobbie McGann, Peter Michaud, Daniel and Marcia Minter, Kayla Mohammadi ‘24, Art Moran, Michelle Morel, Leonard and Merle Nelson, Jasmine Nielsen, Vivian Pratt, Tina Petra, Melinda Plastas, Alina Podgornov, Patrice Todisco, Norman and Susan Posner Charitable Trust, Elizabeth Ritvo and Robert Kunzendorf, Jonathan Ryan, Aaron Rosen, Judith Saner, Andrew Schirrmeister and Robin Young, Nicholas Silvers, Audrey Stone ‘23 and William Lemberg, Jessica Straus ‘22 and David Berson, Barbara Sullivan ‘22, Jacqueline Terrassa, Beth Smith Tishler Family Fund, Susan Tredwell, Sharon and Paul Underberg, John Viele, Christine Vincent, Don Voisine ‘22, Shiao-Ping Wang Chu ‘19, Yuan Wang
$99 and under: Eileen Ahern, Sachiko Akiyama ‘22, Nicole Allensworth, Elizabeth Awalt, Myriam Babin, Peter and Pat Bagg, Cynthia Barton ‘19, Galen Beale, Trina Bellavance, John Berry, Karen and Perry Blass, Heather Boyd, Meghan Brady ‘20, Robertson Breed, Steve Bull, Rachel Burgess, Stephen Burt, Karen Bush, Peter Cady, Leila Carbunari, Kristy Cavaretta, Wendy Chapkis, Noa Charuvi, Ashley Chase, Cecile Chong, Sonya Clark, Marion Claxton, Sue Cobler, Luis Croquer, John Dana, Evelyne Delori, Malcolm Dennison, Jeanette Dominguez, Jennifer Durrua, Alison Eckert, Kathleen Edin, Alicia Ethridge, Elaine Finkowski, Theodora Finn, Nancy Garrick, Alice Gauvin, Karen Gelardi ‘23, Jeanne Gerrity, Lara Gibson, Beth Gilbert, Eileen Giuliani, Edmund Glass, Peggi Stallings Gregory, Jules Grosvenor, Audrey Grumbling, Grace Hager, Julie Hahn, Stacey Hamblett, Diana Helinger, Geneve Hoffman, Eileen Hogan, Alec Jaegerman, Greg Jamie ‘22 and Paige Bedard, Wendy Kaye, Kathryn Kelly, Jon Kessler, Beth Kantrowitz, Kristen Lanzer, Nicole Lambert, Kimberly Largey, Yvonne Maiden, Eldon and Betts Mayer, Jolene McGowan, Mollie Meikle, Janice Moore, Jennifer Moore, Jennifer Moores, Richard Morgan, Rusty Morrison, Jennifer Aubin Murphy, Danielle Mysliwiec ‘21, Estie Ott, Alan Parks, Meg Brown Payson, Jeanne Paterak, Stephanie Pilk, Mitchell Rasor, Dana Rickerich, Andy Ritzo, Charles Rockwood, Hillary Schaffner, Victoria Simon, Shane Smith, John Sullivan, Caroline Sulzer, Cheryl St. Onge, Brenda Stewart, Wayne Stokes, Sylvia Titgemeyer, Maya Travaglia, Ashleigh Tucker, Diana Tuite, Mary Vogt, Hannah Wade, Grant Wahlquist, Jennifer Wentworth, Nancy Wetzel, William Wieting, Tannye Wold, Heidi Wurpel, Deborah Wyman, Hao Zhou, and many anonymous cash donors.
Corporate: Affordable Solar, Code Resources International, Coppa Magica, Lil’s Cafe, Goodfire Brewing, Microsoft, New Art Dealers Alliance, Richardson Allen Furniture, Rising Tide Natural Foods, Terracotta Pasta Co, and Wild Valentine.
Foundation: 3Arts, Artis, Artist Communities Alliance, Dorothea and Leo Rabkin Foundation, New Hampshire Charitable Foundation’s Geoffrey E. Clark and Martha Fuller Clark Fund, Rhode Island Foundation, Ruth Foundation for the Arts
Naturalist Dan Gardoqui with June 2022 residents Christophe Roberts and Antonio McAfee at Surf Point. Photo by co-resident Séan Alonzo Harris.
Tour of the Wild Knoll Foundation Garden at the 2022 summer donor event. Photo by Kerry Constantino.